
Image result for Simmitri bountySimmitri is an energy economy created for the future. He was born in an elite solar company, now known as Simmitri (, with the mission of continuing to build strong community relationships while restoring the "balance of power" and moving towards the 21st century. Simmitri tracks these relationships quickly, is driven by AI, provides self-contained and decentralized networks, is delivered over the Internet (IoT), and is based on block-chain technology. 
Simmitri is a cryptographic currency created within a "SimBox" created to balance consumers, prosumers and utilities. Each device acts as a node in our network. We call it Energy of Things, but Simmitri provides calls that can complement you based on building performance improvements. Energy conservation efforts within the building generate negative negative kilowatt hours ("?"). The "Negawatts" SimBox, which is converted to the automatic output of a SIM token, which can be used for economic gain, can be programmed to warn for manual control, and the built-in AI software automatically processes energy- can. 
Either way, SIM offers consumers and prosumers incentives to reduce individual energy consumption, distribute to disadvantaged people, and reveal the footsteps we all took in the wilderness.
Founded in 1995 as a family owned company, Simmitri began by serving the community with quality roofing, construction and electrical services. As Master Elite roofer with GAF Material Corporation, it was a natural progression into the sun. Simmitri's photovoltaic business has evolved into an energy efficiency service focused on corporate customers. We have installed and serviced energy through thousands of electrical load panels by servicing more than 4,000 customers in central California, California. 
Customer service and data collection are always the company's trademark and are part of the business growth process. As we surveyed our customers, we learned about the fundamental issues of everyday energy efficiency. Collecting data points from users was the most important to artificial intelligence as a new service from Simmitri. When analyzing user behavior data with different energy prediction data points; Shows best practices for conserving or producing energy through timing, weather, location, suppliers, and many other data. This provides a comprehensive energy analysis that allows customers (participants) to get the best rewards in a systematic way.
As of March 2017, Simmitri is recruiting a core team of block-chain experts to research and develop innovative strategies to integrate intelligent and smart contracts and integrate energy management system approaches. Our broad background in the renewable energy market far outstrips our competitive edge in the new and exciting world of energy tokenization. Before integrating block-chain technology, I think it would be better to lay the groundwork for energy-based rather than energy-based block-chain start-ups.
Create a platform that compensates participants for storing and generating electrical energy.
This is a picture showing how the Simmitri platform (?) Works.


The roadmap is the end of the real simple. This does not really need the translation itself.

Introduce team members and partners

Do you see one partner who is familiar with your eyes? Good to see you.


If you are interested, please refer to the link below.

Author by: familyforever


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